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20 Indian energy companies unveil a UPI-like platform for electric vehicle charging.


A collaborative effort by 20 energy firms, including ChargeZone, Pulse Energy, Kazam, Sheru, Trinity, and Turbo, has led to the creation of the Unified Energy Interface (UEI), a platform akin to the Unified Payments Interface (UPI). UEI aims to establish an open energy network facilitating seamless payment and transaction interoperability for electric vehicle (EV) charging.

The initiative ensures that EV drivers can conveniently access charging infrastructure regardless of the vehicle's brand or the charging network involved. The consortium receives guidance from esteemed public policy think tanks and research organizations like the Rocky Mountain Institute and the World Resources Institute. Additionally, it has garnered support from the Department of Science and Technology, as evidenced in their recent e-Mobility White Paper. UEI is further bolstered by the Beckn protocol, an open-sourced protocol developed in India that enables various open networks.

The primary goal of UEI is to optimize energy transactions, with expectations of significant growth as more business-to-consumer (B2C) apps join the network. Already, the network has facilitated 1.4GWh of energy transactions and anticipates a 100-fold increase. Moreover, UEI supports peer-to-peer trading of green electricity, enabling direct payments between peers, a significant step toward a green energy revolution.

Consumers stand to benefit from UEI as it allows them to discover, pay, and charge at any member company’s charging station through a unified system, eliminating the need for multiple access cards or accounts. This simplifies the charging process and fosters competition and innovation among charging point operators.

The alliance operates as a not-for-profit entity, distributing minimal infrastructure costs equally among its members. Its scalable and adaptable technical framework ensures relevance through continuous technical evolution and governance, facilitating smooth integration of new and existing participants.

Reji Pillai, CEO of the India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF), underscores the significance of UEI in enabling peer-to-peer (P2P) trading of green electricity, particularly with the rapid rollout of 10 million rooftop solar PV systems under the PM Suryoday Yojana. UEI's ability to enable direct P2P payments between peers while utility charges are incorporated in electricity bills heralds a paradigm shift in the power sector's operating regime, promising a green energy revolution on a global scale.

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