In the latest installment of 'Shark Tank India' season 3, Hyperlab, a Mumbai-based company, secured a Rs 25 lakh deal with investor Aman Gupta for their groundbreaking sports trainer named 'Helios'. Hyperlab, founded by Hitarth Parikh and Chahil Patel, operates at the convergence of sports and technology, aiming to revolutionize athletic training.
Their appearance on 'Shark Tank India 3' was driven by a desire to leverage the expertise of the Sharks and propel their vision forward, blurring the boundaries between physical and virtual training realms. Hyperlab's incorporation of AI and machine learning algorithms into their platform underscores their dedication to technological advancement, having received a government grant of Rs 45 lakh for further product development.
Helios stands out for its utilization of real-time analytics and innovative laser projection technology, offering athletes an unparalleled training experience. Through the platform, users can tailor their workouts, monitor their progress, and optimize their performance with precise drills and analytics. Moreover, the app provides curated workout routines and sports options such as football, badminton, and basketball, enabling users to enhance their fitness levels effectively.